Go 1.5.1版本对编译器,汇编器, fmt, net/textproto, net/http, 和 runtime 包的 bug 修复。
- cmd/asm: arm assembler "illegal combination" for CMPF in Go 1.5
- AUTHORS: missing Oracle
- runtime: unexpected fault address 0xffffffff (windows/386)
- net: sendfile needs -lsendfile for external linker on Solaris OS-Solaris
- net/http: ReverseProxy doesn't handle nil request body...
- internal/syscall/windows/registry: has debug println left behind OS-Windows
- doc: 1.5 release notes don't mention that go install removes the binary produced by go build Documentation
- fmt: Sscanf %c skips a blank in Go1.5; not in Go1.3.3, nor in C
- net: LookupPort("tcp", "123") no longer returns 123
- runtime: fatal error: invalid stack pointer
- runtime: panic on system stack during cgo callback
- cmd/go: vendoring fail when put on $GOPATH root with Import Path Checking
- cmd/compile: unexpected string to byte casting behavior in 1.5
- build: Go 1.5 bootstrap.bash fails for offical tarballs
- cmd/go: go build -a rebuilds standard library on linux Documentation
- cmd/asm: hang
详见issue tracker Go1.5.1 milestone
官方下载地址 http://golang.org/dl/
本文网址: https://golangnote.com/topic/56.html 转摘请注明来源